It's our wedding anniversary!
We've been married three years. Seems like it's been longer than that, and yet, like it's not been long enough.
You know you've got a special woman when you go out to your ham shack, look in the fridge, and it's got a buncha Dr. Pepper in it!
Man I love that girl....
Makes me want to do the laundry!
Summer time is strange for BASIC. we sometimes get people who want to do stuff for a mission's trip, and our regular helpers sometimes want a break so they can go on vacation or something like that. In all, it usually works out. We had 15 people this last Sunday. I saw Connie Boltz this last sunday, she is someone I perpetually pray for. No Red Feather though...
I've thought about calling the system we use at BASIC "B.U.M.S." : Basic Urban Ministry System. What do you think?