This is a "I'm still here" post.
I don't know what else to call it.
I've been blogging about life, birds, ham radio, Jesus, philosophy, gardening, and lots of other stuff.
This was the first blog I started and I'm coming back to it because BASIC is an idea I have let and am letting permanently soak into me. It's an identity.
It's an identity I want to pass on to my kids too.
I have four now.
Four very precious daughters. Having daughters does things to a man. It's hard to explain.
If you have a daughter, and you are a man, you know what I'm talking about.
One of the things I'm doing to teach my kids to be BASIC is having them memorize a memory verse.
This week, our memory verse comes from Luke 18:14b (ESV) :
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
This verse is part of a larger passage where Jesus talkes about a pharisee and a tax collector, and how their attitudes during prayer affected the outcome of their soul. The kids have to read the whole passage (I have 2 that can read it, and one that can listen) and memorize the 18:14b part. I'm trying to memorize as much of the whole passage as I can.
That's me, and what I'm doing to Be BASIC, how about you?