Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Now it's Thursday!

here's the list for prayer requests, Rafael Rocks, I'm just a leeeeetle Slow...

Prayer Requests.

Danny Baptist: To be closer to Christ
Jonathan Mitchell: Psalms 24
James Aiken: Work
John Taruer: For my mom and brother.
Dan McMillan: Family and self.

And of course, don't forget to pray for Redfeather.
Raf didn't say whether or not he was there.
My Mom has a blog now. I wonder what she will say. Hopefully nothing embarassing about me! :O


Gravy JMM said...

You realize what is in store for us now...we now have to behave because your mom can blog with us.

frozenflame said...

Hey, I gotsa a blogger now, get ready for mischief.
Red feather wasn't there btw.