Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Emergency Prayer Request!!!

Kelly (my wife) has an uncle with liver and pancreatic cancer. He
discovered this a couple of weeks ago, and immediately began chemo
therapy. His body is not doing well. Apparently, he needs a liver
stint to help him process bile, and if he doesn't get this soon, he'll
pass away. He has been unable to get it because of an infection. As
soon as it goes away, he can get the stint.
We're going down to Naples, FL (where he lives and is in the hospital)
today to visit with him and the rest of the family. Pray that we get
an opportunity to share with him the saving message of Jesus. He's
lived without any direct faith in Christ as savior, but this situation
is awakening him to the need. Thanks for your immediate and fervent

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frozenflame said...

You bet I'll be praying. I hope he gets better.

Jacqueline Dowd said...

Brandon, You can read the complete text of the newly revised ordinance here (select 07/24/06 in the left column and scroll down to "Ordinance amending Chapter 18A of the City Code").

By the way, have you had any issues with the city?

Jackie (the 13th juror)