Monday, April 10, 2023

Missed the Deadline

 I tried getting today's post about Salvation ready over the weekend, but it did not happen. When I started posting the series, I was about 2/3rds the way through it, but this post is the one I'd done the least amount of work on. I had a non-specific outline. I did put a lot of work in on it though, still needs some content and a little polishing. I should have it out this week. I enjoy writing these posts. It makes me think about what I've done as a Christian, both good and bad. I think over all, it's brought me closer to what the Lord wants to do in my life. He's got work for me to do.


It's a good time to think and engage the series, you can find every post here, and a general idea of what is coming up next:

Salvation Post List

Feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, or schedule a one-on-one or small group discussion.

Christians everywhere need to be on the same page on this business.