Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Rule Number 3:
"Lather, Rinse, Repeat".
This rule is tricky,
Remember, in the religion we are to practice, we are to take care of orphans and widows, and keep one's self from being polluted by the world.
That second part's a tall order. Staying Holy ain't no joke. That's where the Blood of Christ comes in. Remember what we are taught in first John. We who walk in the light are continually cleansed by the blood. Let us make our confession to God and each other about our sins.

The tricky part to this rule:
we are to preach the Gospel, and when God gives us fruit, we are to tell those who Come to JEsus, to spread the news. Christianity is the OCD plagued individual's dream religion, we keep making disciples over and over again, and we teach them to do the same. Many times we miss the mark. In my efforts to reach the inner city folks, I teach them to take their witness out with them, preach with their lives. Sometimes they listen, othertimes, well....
Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Nothin' but the blood baby!
prayer list from the weekend coming in the morning, it's dang late, and I need sleep.

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