Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sunday School Lesson

Hey all!
While I am not preaching this Sunday in Orlando, I am giving the Sunday school lesson today at Highlands Church of Christ. I would like to share it here with you so you can see it and so people can view it online as well. The text is from Psalm 129 and here are the nine questions I will be asking tomorrow!
1. How is the suffering of the children of Israel described in Psalm 129:3?

2. What are some of the afflictions they may have been facing at the time? Ezr_3:3; Neh_2:10

3. Why does the Psalmist declare the Lord to be righteous in Verse 4?

4. What does the writer ask God to do? Verse 5.

5. Who is in Zion? What comes from there? Psalm 2:1-6; 9:11; 14:7; 20:2; 50:2 What is the significance of being turned away from Zion?

6. When are some times that the children of God have faced an enemy, only to be delivered at the last moment? Acts 16:16-39

7. Name some of the enemies of the children of God: 1 Corinthians 15:26, 1Peter 5:8 Matthew 13:37-39; Acts 13:8-11; James_4:4

8. Can we continue to expect God to deliver us from our enemies? Revelation 20:7-15

9. Is God's blessing extended to those who oppose and frustrate the children of God? Verse 8

I'm not going to link all the other verse references, if you want that you will need the E-sword topic file from me!!!
It's free to use.
Any questions?

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